The Snipper 3.5

app suite

Excel format required

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PCA graphics and analysis of population data
of a custom Excel file (.xlsx format)

Step 1: Data input (population)

Select your local Excel file of populations in the required format. You can download a valid example file if necessary to clarify ideas, or use the input file generator wizard.

Step 2: Hardy-Weinberg principle applies to your marker set

Yes (allele frequencies are used)

No (genotype frequencies are used)

Step 3: Choose kind of analysis for the population data

Try to classify all individuals in the sample with the best SNPs.

Perform a verbose cross-validation analysis of my population data with the best SNPs.

Perform a nonverbose cross-validation analysis of my population data with the best SNPs.

Compute bootstrap error of my population data with number of repeats (recommended number is 200).

Perform multinomial logistic regression of my population data (Step 2 applies only to shown population table, genotype frequencies are always used).

Perform genetic distance algorithm (allele and genotype versions) on my population data (Step 2 applies only to shown population table).