The Snipper 3.5
app suite
Binary AIM classification of individuals as Europe-East Asia-Africa-America-Oceania (34 SNPs or 46 AIM-Indels or both)
Step 1: Choose marker set
34-plex (previous) with rs727811 (toggle between marker list or marker table).
34-plex (revised) with rs3827760 (toggle between marker list or marker table).
46-plex AIM-Indels (toggle between marker list or marker table).
80-plex AIM-Indels (all of the above) (toggle between marker list or marker table).
Step 2: Choose populations
3 populations (Europe, East Asia, Africa).
4 populations (Europe, East Asia, Africa, America).
5 populations (Europe, East Asia, Africa, America, Oceania).
Step 3: Choose classifier
Naive Bayes with allele frequencies (Hardy-Weinberg principle applies)
Naive Bayes with genotype frequencies (Hardy-Weinberg principle need not apply)
Multinomial logistic regression
Genetic distance algorithm (allele and genotype frequency versions)
Step 4: Data input
Type either 34 SNPs or/and 46 AIM-Indels of the individual to classify as appropriate. For the required SNP/Indel (rs) numbers, see graphics on left. For instance, the following 34 SNP profile would be valid in the case of 34-plex (previous) with rs727811, and 3 populations:
34 SNPs or/and 46 AIM-Indels for each individual as makes sense, 68 or 92 or 160 bases upper or lowercase.
Blanks will be removed. Gaps must be entered as n or N.