The Snipper 3.5
app suite
Classification as individual havingblue-greenhazel-brown eyes
Step 1: Choose markers
7 markers, rs1129038-12913832 haplotype (toggle between marker list or marker table)
7 markers, no haplotype (toggle between marker list or marker table)
13 markers, rs1129038-12913832 haplotype (toggle between marker list or marker table)
13 markers, no haplotype (toggle between marker list or marker table)
23 markers, rs1129038-12913832 haplotype (toggle between marker list or marker table)
23 markers, no haplotype (toggle between marker list or marker table)
Step 2: Choose classifier
Naive Bayes with allele frequencies (Hardy-Weinberg principle applies)
Multinomial logistic regression
Genetic distance algorithm (allele and genotype frequency versions)
Step 3: Data input
Type the required markers of the individual to classify as appropriate. For the required (rs) numbers, see graphic on left. For instance, the following profiles would be valid in the case of 7, 13 and 23 markers, respectively, regardless of whether the rs1129038-12913832 haplotype is being considered or not:
Bases can be upper or lowercase. Blanks will be removed. Gaps must be entered as n or N.