The Snipper 3.5

app suite

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Classification of individuals using AIMs

You are entering our portal on classification using SNPs-Indels-microhaplotypes, hosting the Snipper App suite version 3.5. It is the companion site to several papers.

You can view version history for a timeline of all changes in the Snipper suite.

Important: WebGL needs to be enabled in your browser settings to view 3D PCA output. If it is already enabled, you will be able to rotate the 3D logo on the left. Most major browsers enable it by default.

Throughout the site, brown colour and bullet () in links mean fixed training sets. On the other hand, blue colour and arrow () mean custom training sets. Available tasks are:

 •   Classification as Europe-East Asia-Africa-America-Oceania (34 SNPs, 46 Indels, or both sets at once)
 •   Classification as individual having black-intermediate-white skin
 •   Classification as individual having fair-dark or red-blond-brown-black hair
 •   Classification as individual having blue-greenhazel-brown eyes
 •   Forensic MPS AIMs Panel Reference Population Sets to download
  Classification with a custom Excel file of populations
  Classification with a custom Excel file of populations (haplotype-aware version)
  Classification of multiple profiles with a custom Excel file of populations and profiles
  Classification of multiple profiles with a custom Excel file of populations and profiles (haplotype-aware version)
 Classification with the 32 STR training set or a custom Excel file of frequencies
  PCA graphics and analysis of population data of a custom Excel file of populations
  Download offline Snipper tools
  Design or tune up your training/testing set
Profile generator for fixed or custom training sets
  Conversion from Snipper format to STRUCTURE format and back
 •   Age prediction models with DNA methylation
 •   Tissue prediction models with DNA methylation  

We would like to give credit to our students Lorena Rodríguez and Ismael Rodríguez for their contributions to earlier Snipper implementations.

Last revision: March 2025