Operation Command (English) What it does How you might use it Example target(s) Example results
1 Concatenation & combines items in different cells To make a SNP profile or text string from a list of genotypes/components AC CT ACCT
2 Length LARGO (LEN) counts the characters in a cell Measure and adjust sequences such as SNaPshot tails acggtACCTT 10
3 Transposition Edicion > Pegado especial > transponer flips columns to rows To convert SNP data downloads to standard format
4 Text to columns Datos > Texto en Columnas… converts text 'delimiters' to column breaks To convert SNP data downloads to standard format
5 Lookup BUSCARV (V)LOOKUP looks at a table of values and matches one of those values in a cell Find the population and details from a CEPH-HGDP number list
6 Converting USC classifier output  EXP(- 'cell ref') converts -log likelihoods to normal numbers To calculatee probabilities from USC output
to real values